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01. Terms and conditions


I. General Conditions

  1. By accessing and using the online consultancy service you agree with its Terms and conditions. If you do not agree with the terms and conditions of the contract please do not use the online consultancy service.

  2. INSEI CONSULTING-RO has the right to revise the present document by updating it. The use of the online consultancy services implies the acceptance of the modifications brought to the present document.

  3. In the case where the service supplier considers that the terms of use were violated he can limit the access of the user; the reasons of this act will be explained by e-mail.

  4. The online consultancy service is aimed for the authorized natural persons as well as for the legal persons. If you do not find yourself in any of these positions please do not use this website.

  5. INSEI CONSULTING-RO reserves the right to deny the access of a user to the service as well as the temporary or final suspension of its rights to use the service, in the case where the terms of use are violated.

  6. INSEI CONSULTING-RO cannot be held responsible for the deletion, inappropriate transmission and saving of the information or the way they are used or interpreted.

II. Usage Period and Payment of the Service

  1. The user is free to decide on the usage period of the website. He can do this by opting for a package after the expiry of the consultancy that the client is entitled to solicit, free of charge, when subscribing as a user of the online consultancy service.

  2. The way of calculation for the payment of the services is made according to the present price offer published on the website. The services are only available after the confirmation of the payment in the bank account of SC INSEI CONSULTING-RO for the period and in the conditions they were bought.

  3. The user of the paid services can prolong the duration of the contract and implicitly the access to the services provided by buying a new services package.


  1. The creation of an access account to the online consultancy service is free of charge. INSEI CONSULTING-RO reserves the right to modify the gratuitousness of some services, by sending a note 7 days before.

  2. INSEI CONSULTING-RO offers the possibility to gratuitously solicit consultancy when subscribing as a user of the online consultancy service.

  3. INSEI CONSULTING-RO undertakes to allow its clients the access, all through the duration of the contract, to the data base containing information, news and general or specific solutions offered by our consultants to the clients that agreed to make their cases public, within the limit of the points or the subscription bought by each of them.

  4. INSEI CONSULTING-RO will offer special online consultations all through the duration of the contract, when requested by the client, through the agency of its partner consultants.

IV. Obligations of the Client

  1. In order to use the online consultancy services you undertake to:

    • Provide real, exact and complete data about yourself, as requested in the registration form;

    • Maintain and update the information every time a change in your identification data occurs.

  2. As a user you are responsible for your own actions and the use of the information provided by the consultants as well as for the consequences resulting from these actions.

  3. You undertake not to:

    • publish images or texts that are explicitly sexual, defamatory, malicious, obscene, threatening materials;

    • publish materials with an informatics content aimed for computer software attacks (viruses, worms, Trojans, other programs);

    • publish copywrited materials if you are not the author or do not have the consent of the author to publish them;

    • publish, send, upload, broadcast promotional materials.

  4. When subscribing you will be asked for a user name, a password and a valid e-mail address. You are responsible for using your account; you will inform the administrator of INSEI CONSULTING-RO on any malfunction. When closing the work session you agree to use the option to sign out of the account. INSEI CONSULTING-RO will not be held responsible for the consequences of your not observing of these rules.

V. Other Liabilities

  1. INSEI CONSULTING-RO will not disclose information contained in your account to a third party, without your consent, except for the cases provided by the law.

  2. The data, texts, photos, software, other materials used in the site, are property of INSEI CONSULTING-RO.

  3. INSEI CONSULTING-RO cannot be held responsible in the cases where the website is down because of the services providers and will try to remedy the problem as soon as possible.

02. Services
Human Resources
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